Everything about Veneers in Turkey

Veneers in Turkey
What are veneers?
A veneer is a very thin shell that is carved out to cover the front of your teeth. Veneers will be custom made and carved according to the shape of your teeth, and the space they will cover. Veneers are made out of many materials that you can choose from, such as porcelain or resin which are used in their making. Veneers are made to look completely natural, giving your teeth a great look and covering any gaps or discoloration on your teeth.

How are veneers applied?
- Before the procedure
The preparation for the veneers placement starts by having the teeth examined by the dentist to ensure that veneers are suitable for you. After that the doctor will assess what teeth will be covered, and size and volume the veneers need to be.
- During the procedure
The doctor will start by administrating to you a local anesthetic, numbing the area that will be worked on. After all that is done the doctor will start shaving off the surface of the teeth that will have veneers placed on them. The doctor will only shave away from the teeth as much as the thickness of the veneers, to ensure that they can fit perfectly on top of your teeth. After this the dentist will take a mold use that mold to make custom made matching weeks. This could take a few days. This is only done for porcelain veneers.

Applying of the veneers
The dentist will place the veneers for a short period of time temporarily to observe if it is fitting. This will be done repeatedly, placing the veneers and removing them to shave and trim them so they are a perfect fit to your teeth. Then the tooth that will hold the veneer will be prepared by the dentist. The dentist will clean and etch the tooth for a stronger bonding process with the veneer.
Next the dentist will apply a special cement on the veneer, then the veneer will be placed on the tooth. After the veneer is properly positioned on the tooth the doctor will use a special laser light that will cause the cement to harden in a small amount of time.
Finally the dentist will make sure that there is no excess cement and shaving it off. The dentist will make sure that the veneers are not obstructing your bite.

What are the types of Veneers?
There are many types of veneers that have different components of which they are made from, their durability and many more. Here we will tell you what type of veneers are perfect for you.

1- Porcelain Veneers
Porcelain veneers are the most common and relied on method to get the perfect Hollywood smile. They are made from shells of ceramic. Offering strength the same as a normal tooth, and having a completely natural tooth look. They are very durable lasting more than 10 years with proper oral care. Porcelain veneers are also biocompatible, thus they don’t cause any allergic reactions to the surrounding tissue.

Porcelain veneers are strong and resilient type of veneers, they are less prone to damage and last for a long time before needing a replacement, website and they perfectly resemble and feel like a real tooth. They are also stain resistant and do not get discolored.

Although porcelain veneers offer great quality, they require some work to be done on the teeth as in shaving the teeth off to allow them to be placed. They are also quite expensive, more so than composite veneers for example. And lastly they need to be custom made and cannot be done in one visit, needing a few days or weeks for the custom veneers to be made.

2- Composite Veneers
Composite veneers are constructed from a tooth colored resin, and other inorganic material. Despite using inorganic materials in its construction, they do not cause any irritation or allergy to the surrounding tissue.

Composite veneer, unlike porcelain veneers don’t need to be custom made. They can be applied and or fixed in one visit. They are also much cheaper than porcelain veneers, and are easily fixed.

Although they are more affordable porcelain veneers, they are not as durable or strong, having a life time of 5-7 years before needing to be replaced. They are also prone to discoloration.

3- EMAX porcelain veneers
eMax veneers are a different type of porcelain veneers. They are made from lithium disilicate glass ceramic. This special material is much thinner and lighter than the regular porcelain veneer, meaning it can be applied on the tooth comfortably without having to shave off from the tooth too much, unlike porcelain veneers. It is also much stronger and more durable than the porcelain veneers, lasting up to 20 years before needing to be changed.

Another special quality is the translucent appearance of the veneers. Unlike the other types of veneers where the applied veneers look different than the other teeth, making your smile look off balanced or not matching. But the eMax’s translucent look is much closer to the color of natural teeth, perfectly blending your teeth together and allowing you to have a perfect and natural smile.

The eMax veneers are much more durable and stronger than regular veneers. They last longer than any other type of veneers, lasting p to 20 years with the proper oral care and hygiene.

eMax veneers have very little cons. Costing only half as much as porcelain veneers, and needing much less work to be done on the teeth.
The only possible cons are the veneers falling if you are not maintaining proper oral hygiene, or suffered some kind of injury.

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